Friday, January 18, 2008

Tips on Disk space saving

You have to conserve your disk space otherwise you will end up with upgrading your hosting plan and paying more.

Here are few tips on saving your space efficiently:

1. WYSIWYG html editors:

When you use these WYSIWYG html editors they tend to blow up the the html code by adding excess and unnecessary code.See the two examples below-

The first code was written in WYSIWYG editor. Second was written with notepad.

Code written using WYSIWYG editor:

This is first paragraph.

This is second paragraph.

This is third paragraph.

This is conclusion part.

Code written using Note pad:

This is first paragraph.

This is second paragraph

This is third paragraph.

This is conclusion part.

If we view the web page we will see both above code gives the following lines, but the raw html code is more in the first example-

This is first paragraph.

This is second paragraph.

This is third paragraph.

This is conclusion part.

So always try to remove unnecessary code after you using your WYSIWYG html editor.

2. Images:

* Don't be too fond of images.Necessary images are always be advised to display about your products or services.But too many images fills up your disk space fast.

* Always use '.gif' format than '.jpg'.'.Gif's occupy less space than '.jpg's.

* Try to decrease the size of image with out affecting the clarity and quality.

* Optimize the image files by image compressing software.

3. Use SSI for repeated code:

If every page of your web site contains the similar links, headers and footers you can use SSI to include these files in all pages with out writing the same code on every page.

4. Delete excess data:

If you are enabled web loggers, email accounts, error logs soon these data occupies large area on your server.So try to allot minimum disk space for these utilities.And once in a while delete the mail and logs to clear up some space.

5. Exe, pdf files:

If you have some exe or pdf files (ebooks, help files, company reports etc.) they tend to occupy lot of space.

You can upload them as 'zip' or 'tar' files which occupies less space when compared to exe and pdf.

6. Software installations

Some people install all the cgi scripts because they are free. Think twice before installing the scripts, whether you actually need them or not.

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